Short Stories
revised July 19, 2010

I have moved the writings against socialism that used to be on this page to its own page: Writings Against Socialism.

These are links to some comical stories I heard on National Public Radio.  I will add more to the list as I find them.  Most are about 3 minutes long and are very funny.  This is a link to a comical story (about 3 minutes) I heard on NPR about a doctor trying to fill a prescription and runs up against a crazy rule but has a clever work around.  This is a link to a comical story (about 3 minutes) I heard on NPR about a reporter living in India whose automatic payment of an electric bill was short by one rupee.  He went through bureaucratic hell trying to pay the one rupee he owed.  It is a classic example of the old saying -- bureaucracy makes the possible impossible.

These are very short stories that I was either told, saw, or experienced.  Many are funny as well as true.  Many also have a moral.

A Funny Story About Good Spirit This is a brief and true story my mother told me about maintaining your value system.

Losing Victoriously  This is a brief story about how to win when you are defeated.  It is related to the above story my mother told me.

Know thy Enemy  This is a short story with an excellent moral that my father told me.

Warmth and Friendliness that Hits You Like a Brick  This is a funny story about an apparent misuse of a simile but I have observed that it really does apply to some people.

A Trucker's Story about Telling the Truth  This is a story I overheard back in 1983.  I always remembered it.

Sometimes Might is Right  This is a funny story about an airline trip I was on in 1979.

Two Short Family Stories  These are two very brief stories my mom told me about my aunt and uncle.

A Car Story  This is a story from my youth about how two cars my father was driving died in the same place.

The Yardstick Dilemma This is a short funny story about a yardstick that did not measure up.

How to make Friends or Enemies  These are two very short stories about the right and wrong approach to two situations.

Memory jogs for more stories to add -- many of these are only a paragraph or so long and I hope to post them ASAP:
very old
Story about Octember
Story about uncle and bank
Story about grandfather being fired for doing good upholstery job

story about 2nd grade kid
story about herd of 3rd grade girls after a boy that had made them mad
story about escaping bullies and flipping one on his back at school 5th grade
story about who was lost at the fair
story about making nitroglycerin
story about bomb that blew up in my face
story about locker room prank -- shower
story about scaring dog with Halloween costume
story about bully and neighborhood war
story about junior high lorenzo and ray
story about bullies chasing friend across creek
story about escaping bully and being asked to try out for track team
story about lost rocket
story about rocket mouse
story about skating downhill
story about crash of go cart
Story about "free" ice cream scoop
Story about vicious dog and ammonia water
Story about ambush in neighborhood war and follow on
Story about kid with beer in July sun
Story about copperhead in road
Story about uncle on roof
Story about cousin who ran through glass door
Story about falling off cliff
Story about "regular" movie
Lightning strike -- bicycle, tree
Jumping onto gravel pile
Kicking the garbage can
ruined Christmas vacation
Story about paper airplane in biology class
Story about reading teacher holding students hostage
Story about gym fight with just ending
Story about taffy pulling contest
Story about tornado of '63
Story about time Keith hid magazine under piano bench
Story about colored water fountains
Story about why don't you just hit him
Story about cleaning spray with broken nozzle
Story about Lorenzo and PE class
Hoffman math class -- circle on board
Story about losing glasses in the woods

Story about Lucille and tax audit
Story about high school situation-- no escape
Bruce, go to 'L'
Story about merging two school libraries
Story about dropping film canisters
Dishwashing story
Story about knife threat
Story about making nitroglycerin
two stories about auburn dorm -- civil engineer and idiot -- cat
story about motorcycle short cut that almost worked at auburn
story about dog finding owner on third floor
story about raindrops as big as your fist at auburn
story about bicycle and gravel at new golf course
story about roommate and carpet nails
story about bham traffic
story about cutting flowers
story about cutting wrong end of door
story about keys and trunk
story about being treed by dogs
story about lunchroom fight
Story about Ricky and stairs
Story about Ricky and heat gun
Story about Ricky and brakes
Story about Foy and anvil
Story about Foy and new gun
Check story about greace gun
Story about less than 1 foot tile squares and cable
Story about motorcycle in freezing rain
Story about 20,000 rivets
Story about oil can
Story about bad spot welds
Story about acid in degreaser
Story about silicon grease in degreaser
Story about exploding diodes
Story about capacitor detonation
Story about big transistors installed backwards
case of the blown up fish finder
case of the TV explosion
case of the missing car tag in Florala
Story about younger brother on bicycle and chairs
Story about packing 1000 boxes
Story about wet bicycle and rose bushes
Story about dropping empty drink bottles
Story about weight of postal bags
Story about tripping over boxes
Story about explosion at Auburn
Story about evolution
Story about ballet dancer
Girl running across street -- bicycle
Hangover and fire alarm
Dr. Maynor test
Story about me cutting shrubs in a housing project
Story about spot welds
Story about car driving itself through Montgomery
Story about snowy roads in Montgomery
Story about bad good morning
Story about DC shunt motor running away
Story about non-believer in back emf
Story about tornado and barometer
Story about magnesium ribbon on fire
Story about barometer and tornado
You are nothing but a crouble maker
Story about bicycle and gravel (maybe already listed)
Story about Joe frustration
Story about so good that could not crawl away
Story about Francis and digital logic class
Story about Phil staying cool -- 45 -- also bad contract
Story about acid in degreaser
Story about silicone in degreaser
Story about maxometer
Story about Big Red smashing building
Story about cooked PC boards
Story about backwards capacitors
Story about OSHA
Story about QC audit
Story drunk on #72
Story about bicycle race
Story about streaking scam
Story about super glue incident
Story about MEK incident
Story about closet cleaning incident
Hosea and girl scout cookies
Hosea and coming home late
Hosea and neighbor's cat
Story about weather balloon and high winds
Story about coffee making -- what does a fella have to do to get a cup of coffee around here

ant hill and bicycle
playful snake
Story about "lucking" into a job
Story about very heavy rain -- truck cab
story about missing security clearance
story about making wrong turn at Eglin
Story about missile and guard
story about rugged computer falling
Story about BSTC student and black neighborhood
airport story about high voltage probe
story about dual missile foul-up
Story about repairing messed up tracker
story about car wreck on exit lane
story about father cutting tree down in back yard
Story about "Ned" winning court case
story about giving technician test
story about kid returning speakers
Stories about j -- fluorescent lights, Memphis trip, bad love
story about man returning telephone answering machine
story about pendulum pot
Story about expense report $120
Story about lost expense reports
Story about stupid sheep
Story about guy who parked in wrong spot
Story about blowout and kid on bicycle
Story about sticking brake on ice
Story about Mazda repair -- bumper to bumper warranty except
Story about mobile lab
Story about working on live missile
Stepping on soldering iron
Picking up soldering iron by wrong end
Denver movie theater fight
Popping air hose
Car on ice with sticking brakes
Story about pendulum pot
Story about magnetic amplifier
Story about popped air hose
Story about "empty" delivery box for seeker
Story about "It's a woman."
Story about flight to Denver via Atlanta but canceled -- back to Bham
Story about trailer student, his pickup, and campus security.
That is what my calculator says the answer is
What in God's name are you going to do with a programmable calculator on an essay test
Story about move that GD train
Story about Rene and LED wiring
Story about Chuck and college guy alright
Consider story about cloth seat chairs
Story about run-away grinding wheel
Story about Dr. Rogers and EE362 -- train
Story about neighbor's dog -- thief
Story about wreck on interstate
Story about breakdown on interstate -- sheriff
Story about bicycle -- climb steep hill
Story about fountain designed by managers
Ambulance story -- center of road
Story about mobile lab
Story about God dog
Story about bicycle, green coat, and police
Story about Radio Shack speakers -- check for duplicate
Story about joystick FOV compensation
Story about D. working late
Story about Joe and cutting wire
Story about B. and what happens to agent in lab
Story about odd date -- odd dress
Story about EE743 homework

Story about moving wire in warehouse
Story about -- no problem, I will just add that to my bill
Story about EE743 homework problems
story about non-classified project
Story about gate on backwards
Power failure as video clip starts
Putting chain back on bicycle -- kid, new bike
Story about high school test scores -- principal trick
Story about trip to Connecticut -- canceled flight, crater in NYC, airport fiasco -- NYC pot holes
Story about telephone yellow pages ad by A/C man
KFC order foul up
Story about girl who parked blocking entrance to Captain D's
"unfair" loss of 20 points on an unanswered test question.
How preston dealt with telemarketers
Story about bad bank robbery -- MS FU
Story about raffle ticket -- choose number that wins
Story about bridesman
Story about orals -- sociology
Story about laboratory tough
Story about equal opportunity idiot
story about being lost on base --F Mc.
Stories about guy with no car insurance and fight with roommate and icey road story
Story about GAC plane trip
Story about student who lost first page of final
Story about cough
Nobody lies about a $2 lunch

story about murder trial -- two comments by judge
Story about purse snatching trial -- humorous moments
Story about cough
Story about Henry over inflating cart tires
Story about error on Google maps
Story about pen island
Story about student who missed test while in Utah
story about student who missed final -- hand

Email contact information

You are invited to visit my main web page at . There is a variety of material there - mostly information for my electrical engineering students, pictures and stories of my cats, and more.